Friday, February 21, 2014

Contemporary Korean Art

"The Land/The People" Exhibit
I recently had the pleasure of visiting the Sacramento State University Library exhibit of contemporary Korean Art.  The show began Feb. 6th and will continue until May, 17th. It is titled  "The Land/The People" and primarily consists of various woodcuts, linocuts, and digital configurations.  Immediately upon entering the gallery the tone is set by the large works accompanied by subtle hums and the steady beat of the music playing throughout the gallery.

You can sense a real foundation of style and technique with each work that was taken by each individual artist and given its own unique flavor.  Ten artists were chosen overall, many of whom are relatively unknown outside Asia and Europe.  Like its name suggests the works in the show either take on a human or geographic theme to them.  Sometimes they are both combined.
Ryu Yeun Bok, Gumgang Mountain, 2007
Ryu Yeun Bok chose Gumgang Mountain as his subject in a series of prints that each take on a personality of their own.  As the only place South Koreans can visit in North Korea, they also have a very serious political tone to them.  Moving from print to print you can sense an almost seasonal change in each one.  Almost as if  to say that the mountain has been there forever and will continue to whether or not the disputes are settled. 
JungWon Chul "Comfort Women" linocut, 2001
In a series of linocuts, Jung Won Chul elegantly displays the faces of older women who manage to display a mood of both sadness and stoicism. In fact these are the faces of "comfort women" who were Korean women forced into servitude of Japanese soldiers during Japan's invasion of Asia. 
Yoon Yeo Geul, Shinchon, 2009, woodcut
Both people and land are represented  in the woodcuts of Yoon Yeo Geul.  His use of line work is superb and is reminiscent of an Albrecht Durer work.  In a lot of the works the aggressive cuts of each one signify the importance of each strike and their place in the work.  Geul is no different but his portrayal  of Seoul and the people that live there gives each one of his works a story that one can make their own. It also shows the transformation of nature into a new landscape filled with architecture and people.
Overall I suggest anyone in the Sacramento region go and see this exhibit.  Most Americans are familiar with Korea through the turmoil that befalls that region of the world and would benefit from seeing another side that is very much worth getting to know. 

To learn more and see information on how to see the show, see my link below.

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